1960006_10152586354303025_3674495000890646720_nIt’s nearly Hallowe’en, and this year, something truly terrifying is going to happen…

Six seemingly random strangers are drawn by a mysterious figure to a disused, semi-derelict theatre in a sleepy, seemingly innocuous, seaside town. There they begin their journey into the bowels of the building where their innermost darkest thoughts will be revealed in an encounter that will change their lives forever…

This anthology features a series of six macabre and deliciously funny short stories from the imaginations of writers Jon Arnold, Simon A Brett, John Davies, Tony Eccles, Lee Rawlings and J.R. Southall. In true portmanteau horror film fashion the threads are all drawn together into a thrilling conclusion penned by lead writer, Dan Barratt.  The book is lavishly illustrated with the work of brilliant artist Paul Griffin and features a foreword written by acting legend David Warner.

All proceeds from the sale of THÉÂTRE DIABOLIQUE are being donated to the mental health charity, MIND.

To order your copy make a donation on Dan’s JustGiving page. Leave your email address and you will be sent a PDF/Kindle copy of the full standard black and white book. Anyone making a donation (of any amount) will be sent a copy! Please don’t be shy… donate whatever you like or feel you can afford. All donations are very welcome.

Alternatively click on the following link to access the book’s Lulu store page where you will find the currently available print versions of TERRORS OF THE THÉÂTRE DIABOLIQUE. All copies ordered from Lulu include a small donation to MIND so, if you wish to do so, you may also make an additional donation here and you will also be sent a PDF/Kindle copy via email. Please note; this is the only way to get your hands on the full colour edition which contains additional lavish artwork! Print copies will be available from the end of October.

Thanks to Dan Barratt

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